5 Protective Styles for Natural Hair - Hair Growth Co

5 Protective Styles for Natural Hair

Natural hair isn’t too much work if you equip yourself with the knowledge you need to take care of it. Your hair is a part of you, and like other parts of your body, knowing how to care for it goes a long way toward long-term growth goals. The constant manipulation of your strands can cause so much tension. Sometimes, a little rest is good and allows for good blood flow and sustained growth!

Here are five hairstyles that can let your scalp rest from daily manipulation:

  1. Wigs - hear us out, edge warriors! A neat braid-down can let you throw on and throw off a wig at your convenience. It also enables you to try other styles instead of resorting to damaging your hair. And, for those who fear their edges, get this: headband wigs—total Game Changers.
  2. Drawstring Ponytails are quick and easy hairstyles that let you do something elegant without too much effort. While sleek ponytails require a lot of brushing and gel, we recommend braiding down your hair into a cute design so that it is both gathered together and less likely to need another battle of sleeking it down the following day!
  3. Two-strand Twists - we love these! Twists are a great way of simply letting your hair be without adding too much tension. It’s also an excellent method of detangling and ensuring your hair is moisturized! Also, have you ever heard that older twists look fantastic? Throw in a kinky curly drawstring ponytail, and you’ve got a cute little situation going on!
  4. Crochet Hairstyles - crochet braids, twists, faux locs, etc. You can’t go wrong with crochet! It’s a great way of getting versatility without manipulating your hair too much. Just be sure to hydrate your scalp correctly.
  5. Flat Twists - Flat twists are a little less demanding on our roots than braids and look beautiful. They provide easy access to nozzle tips, so keeping your scalp hydrated and oiled is easy to do!
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The shampoo does not get sudsy. I almost used the whole bottle. Sometimes it looks like it is growing sometimes not. I ordered the big bottle of oil and the small bottle, they were together for $39.95 did not receive the small bottle. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Tammy Covington

I am using the oil and leave-in conditioner
My bald spot and edges are growing slowly

The rest of my hair has grown over 3 inches plus
The only thing is still thin


I have been using to 10 in 1 for 2-1/2 months now, and love it…since I had COVID IN 2020 those darn antibiotics and other meds gave me massive hair loss…I even mentioned my hair loss and showed the amount of hair I was losing at each washing on my DeAfter50 YouTube channel…now your product has is erased the thickness of my hair, increased the strength, and allowed my hair to slow begin to grow again…I hope everyone who tries the product is as happy as I myself have been…I use a little about 2 times each week, and I normally keep my hair in protective two strand twists…I appreciate all your product has done and continues to do…feel free to shoot me any samples you want me to try…please and thank you

Donann Whitehead

I don’t have any comments yet,
I been reading the nice comments people are saying about your products. I’ll like more information on the shampoo and conditioner, what are the ingredients in both, shampoo and conditioner.
My hair has thinn out, and I’ll like to get my thick hair back.
Will your products work for baby fine thinning hair?

Sharon Gray

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